Head over to the Sapling Village Visionary tab and you will find everything you need
Booking will be essential, you can do this below on the booking system.
Timetable for weekly classes
New term for January 2025
For regular updates please keep watch on the The Natural Sensory Nook Instagram
6th February 2025
This is the FIRST of many
The Nooks Mini Retreat is an opportunity to come together with your baby and take part in a connection circle, baby massage and an exclusive opportunity to emmerse yourself in a parent and baby sound bath with The Happy Holistic
Spaces are limited Lunch included
All classes are term time only
Sprouts are The Nooks youngest and tiniest of explorers. In these classes its about introducing colour, reflection, sound and smells and encouraging bonding with each other.
Seedlings are beginning to move and use more of their bodies to explore. This class is about texture and the different ways to explore. We also explore sounds, smells and objects of interest.
Buds are the real movers of the group. Objects are becoming more familiar and fun and exciting ways to explore. Best of all we get to make some mess!
Youngs Buds are very similar to Buds, but we we have opportunity to explore more complex materials and understand their meaning. Giving opportunity for Young Buds to learn through their exploration.
Sunflowers will have more focussed group but still just as fun. We are on a learning journey with obvious outcomes. Still using our sense, but now we are tapping into more complex areas of the brain and practising those physical elements of exploring.
Have The Nook visit your setting and enjoy exploration with exclusive use of equipment.
The Natural Sensory Nook is about offer experiences and opportunity for children to explore in their own time and way. Learning comes from opportunity and this is exactly what The Nook can bring to your setting. With exclusive use of all equipment, including the sensory light panel, we can enjoy 1 hour of a sensory journey. The hour is split into two age groups and some song and rhyme time.
Studies have shown that children as old as 10 years old benefit from sensory play and exploration. It can be used in calming behaviour, educating in numeracy, literacy and more. The Natural Sensory Nook offers an hours session in small groups for school aged children to partake in a planned sensory activity to aid their learning and emotional well being.
Sprouts, Seedlings, Buds, Young Buds and Sunflowers
These sessions are for a relaxed and free play opportunity for one hour. All children must be supervised and booked into the sessions. This must be done via the booking system below on Classforkids.
One adult may attend, if there are additional adults attending please contact The Nook Studio
No refunds can be given T&Cs apply
With our 6 week booking you guarantee your explorer a place one adult can attend class and must stay in with their child at all times. Confirmation of booking will be sent once payment has be received. Booking must be made via the booking system below, Classforkids
With our workshop booking you guarantee your explorer a place one adult can attend class and must stay in with their child at all times. Confirmation of booking will be sent once payment has be received. Booking must be made via the booking system below, Classforkids
If you have more than one child attending take advantage of the Sibling Discount. This discount only applies for 6 week bookings and when both children are booked at the same time.
Confirmation of booking will be sent once payment has been received.
Please be aware no refunds can be given if class is missed and the class leader had not been made aware. Booking must be made via the booking system.
If you choose to pay for a 6 week block you have the discretion of the class leader to be flexible with 1 session if missed due to illness or holiday. This is down to the discretion of the class leader and must be arranged before the weekly class date.
All bookings are tailored tot he setting
All settings will be invoiced. Payment must be made before booking date.
All schools will be invoiced. Payment must be made before booking date
Please contact me if you wish to hire The Nook to attend your play group, play scheme or community group.
How do I book
Please use the booking screen on this page. You will find all the terms times and classes to book onto. Booking is very important and vital to secure your place. If you wish to attend the Discovery Play Sessions please ensure you book your space in good time. This booking is for one session only. If you have not booked onto the class via the CLASS4KIDS system you will not be permitted to attend.
No booking can be traded to others if you miss it.
If you have any quetions please do contact me.
Class Information- Terms and conditions
Please note that the safety of all the families and staff are my highest priority and measures will be in place to ensure yours, your child's and others safety is accounted for. The Natural Sesnory Nook will not be held responsible for any lose or damage to personal property. Adults must remain with their child at all times and remain the responsibility of the adult throughout their visit in class.
If damage is coursed by you or your child in any way, you may be liable to replace or be billed for said damage.
Please ensure you follow all rules and encourage your children to do the same.
* Cleanliness in my classes is normally top of the list. High standards of practice will be shown throughout. All equipment will be cleaned and disinfected in-between classes if reused and any soft equipment will be washed with disinfectant daily.
* Parents must stay with their child at all times. Parents have full responsibility for their children throughout class.
* The ethos of The Natural Sensory Nook is to use natural materials and allow children to freely explore. Please ensure you are fully aware of the materials out for use and that children and young babies like to put things in their mouth. Although regular planning and checks are made, all children are different and so supervision is extremely important.
* Please ensure you fill out the registration form correctly and add any allergies food or materials based, so that when classes are being planned this can be taken into account.
It is important to provide all information when registering and completing the booking process. Only once payment has been made is your place in class confirmed.
Please ensure an adult (18 years minimum) is present throughout class at all times. All babies and toddlers are the responsibility of the adult caring for them. Any accidents must be reported to the class leader. Safety procedures must be followed at all times and no equipment must be moved or altered without the class leaders say so.
If you have been issued a discount code, pleasse be mindful that these are a gift from the class leader and never garenteed aur responsibility t usfter each term. If your code expires before you book you will not receive a new code or voucher. It is your responibility to use the code while active. If you wish to rebook and the code has expired you will need to pay the full price for the term.
If you wish to cancel your place in term or session classes, you must do this by contacting via email (info@thenaturalsensorynook.co.uk).
We may resell your place when you cancel. Where you cancel your class place, we may at our absolute discretion try to sell your place to another customer. Where we are successful in doing so, we will issue a refund for the class you missed or the remainder of the the term.
A refund for any other circumstances where you cancel a class shall be at our sole descresion.
You may end your booking at anytime by giving us notice. This will be with immediate effect unless you state otherwise. If you end the booking without good reason, (illness or 7 days notice)no refund shall be issued, whether classes have been attended or not.
Notice period is 7 days via email
If you have any questions in regards to classes please do get in touch, by filling out the form below.
In the Event of class cancellation, classes will be either moved to a different venue, if possible or your class payment shall be transferred to another day. Refunds will not be issued.
Once in venue classes can resume, information will be sent to you via email with full details. Once you have booked and paid for class you are making a commitment to attend. If you miss a class due to holiday or illness and have booked an AdHoc session, no refund or class transfer will be possible. If you have booked 6 weeks it will be down to the class leaders discresion to transfer to another day.
By making an in venue booking you are accepting all terms in the side section and above. You understand that regrettably no refunds will be given. If you don't think you can follow the guidelines set out in our venue classes, we advice that you wait a little longer and book when you feel ready too.
Open today | 09:00 – 17:00 |
We try to answer emails within 24hours, but we ask that you be patient with us.
If your matter is urgent please do call.